Rami Meir. History of one people

The exhibition "Rami Meir. History of one people" reflects the diversity of the artist's creative activity through materials, scenes, and themes. The artist covers versatile topics including the history and culture of the Mountain Jews, Judaica (Jewish studies), the connection between human and the universe, the beauty of nature and people. The scenes become a guide for the viewer to the fundamental philosophy about the God-given beauty of the world, the role and purpose of a human being as a divine creation, people's search of a destiny. For the first time, the exhibition will feature the carpet "Rise of The Soul" based on the scenes of the painting with the same title. This is a joint project of Rami Meir and “Azerkhalcha” OJSC. The exhibition will mainly showcase paintings referring to the series named “Mountain Jews”. This is a separate project, a dedication to his people. Rami Meir meticulously restored the history of the Mountain Jews and acted as a historian. His paintings are an accurate representation of not only the external side of life, but also the aesthetics of life of the entire nation, embedded in the texture and ornaments of fabrics, architecture of synagogues, decoration of dwellings and shops of artisans, images of people. Being a part of the culture, knowing it from inside helped Rami to reflect the inner spiritual life of his people, their wisdom and philosophy. Remarkable panels in the author's technique of hammered iron, wood objects, photographs of decorative coins made of precious metals based on the artist's painting. The visual range is supplemented by photographs of objects from the artist's collection: old postcards, crafts - cult objects, jewellery, weapons, chased copper utensils, elements of national costumes.

Exhibition will start with a Opening on November 24, 2022 at 7 p.m. Exhibition duration from 25.11.2022 till 07.01.2023